You’re moving soon so you need to get things in order. The problem is: you don’t know where and how to start! You’re going to want to make sure you haven’t forgotten anything important, so we’re here to help you with a nifty little checklist.
Before You Move
We trust you’ve already done your research about the neighborhood you’re moving in. You should’ve already discussed the move with your kids if you have any, and have already decided whether or not to transfer schools. After all, it could be months or years before you can relocate.
At this point, you’ve probably already decided on where you’re moving and you may have even already paid the deposit for your new house. What next?
1. Look for a mover
It’d be cheaper to look for movers Singapore coming from your point of origin since it’d cost less for them to pick you up and your belongings. You can get recommendations from friends and family members as well. Once you’re decided, pick a schedule and pay the necessary fees.
2. Set your budget
Different services from different movers will have different prices. How much are you willing to shell out? If you’re moving because of a job, see if you employer covers moving expenses.
3. Pack your things
If you’re not paying for packers, you’ll want to start packing as early as 2 months before your move. You can already pack decorative items and items you won’t be using for the next few months. A few weeks before the move, you might also want to start using up refrigerated foods that you think won’t cut it during the move.
4. Notify your landlord
If you’re renting, notify your landlord ahead of time so they can look for another tenant soon. You might also want to check your lease agreement if you’re entitled to any refunds, or if you’re going to need to pay fees for moving out.
5. Notify subscription and utility companies
Take note of all subscriptions and memberships addressed to your former home. Utility, bank, and credit card companies should be notified about your change in address too. If you’re moving cities and you’re a member of a local club or organization, you need to decide if you’re going to stop your membership altogether. It’s also important that you make sure that the new house already has power and running water.
During the Move (or a Week Before)

The move is ongoing, but it may take a bit of time. It depends on where you’re relocating and how much you’re bringing with you. There is a few things you’re going to have to check while you’re moving too.
1. Look for a babysitter or a pet-sitter
If you have little ones with no one to look after them during the move, get a sitter on the day of the move. It’ll be safer for you, your children, your pets, and your movers if the little ones are nowhere near all the commotion.
2. Take inventory
You may have already taken an inventory when you packed up your things, but it’s best you take an inventory as your items are being loaded up the moving trucks too. Get insurance or coverage for your fragile items, but take note of anything that’s already damaged. Movers Singapore will be able to provide you with driver’s inventory too, so you’ll know which boxes are loaded into which trucks.
3. Take a final tour around the house
When you get confirmation from the movers that everything’s already packed, return to the house and do a final tour. See if you missed anything and look at easy-to-miss places like inside washing machines, ovens, bathtubs, closets, drawers, and cabinets.
After the Move
You’re going to spend the first month in your new house unpacking boxes, cleaning, and redecorating. Don’t forget your essentials box that contains everything you’re going to need from your first day to your first week! Change your locks and keys, schedule maintenance checkups, and familiarize yourself with local and city rules.
Unpack your cleaning materials box so you can get to cleaning your new home and making it comfy for you and your family. You may also consider hiring cleaning professionals to help you out if you don’t have the time.